2024/03/10 14:20

NHK「プロフェッショナル」 [能登プロフェッショナルたち] が放映されます。
Appearance on NHK's "The Professionals” [Professionals in Noto]  
【English follows Japanese】

1月下旬より1ヶ月半 NHKクルー方々に代表桐本泰一をはじめ、何人か職人震災後をずっと取材していただきました。ぜひご覧ください。


NHK プロフェッショナル 仕事流儀[能登プロフェッショナルたち](NHK総合1) 3月11日(月) 午後10:00〜午後10:45(45分)復旧ただ中にある能登被災地、もがき続ける人たちがいる。かつてプロフェッショナルで取材した、世界一ジェラート職人・柴野大造。被災した生産者たちと再会と再起一品。“日本酒神様”と呼ばれる能登杜氏・農口尚彦は、後進へと技をつなぐためにある選択を。そして、“不屈桐本”と呼ばれる輪島塗リーダー・桐本泰一。輪島塗を愛する男が“不屈器”に込めるも。能登にはプロフェッショナルがいる。https://www.nhk.jp/p/professional/ts/8X88ZVMGV5/・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・今後とも温かいご支援をどうぞよろしくお願い申し上げます。

For a month and a half from the end of January, we had a crew from NHK (Japan Broadcasting Corporation) interview Taiichi Kirimoto, Representative, and some of our craftsmen throughout the post-disaster period. 
NHK  "Professional"  [Professionals in Noto]  (NHK CH1)   Monday, March 11   10:00 P.M. - 10:45 P.M. (45 minutes)  The disaster-stricken area of Noto is in the midst of recovery, and there are people who continue to struggle. Daizo Shibano, the world's best gelato maker, whom we once covered in Professional.  He is reunited with the producers who were affected by the disaster, and his product is one of their revival efforts. Noto Touji, Naohiko Noguchi, known as the "God of Sake," makes a choice to pass on his skills to the next generation.  Then there is Taiichi Kirimoto, the leader of Wajima-nuri, who is called "the indomitable Kirimoto". A man who loves Wajima-nuri Urushi lacquerware puts his passion into his "unyielding vessel". There are professionals in Noto.  https://www.nhk.jp/p/professional/ts/8X88ZVMGV5/ ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・
Thank you for your continued warm support.