2022/01/26 00:52
輪島市役所の新庁舎に写真の漆パネルを納めております。Wajima Kirimoto workshop produces not only lacquer ware, but also lacquer furniture and architectural interior works. The lacquer panel show in the following picture is installed in the new Wajima City Hall
次の写真は東京メトロ 日本橋駅の壁面装飾パネル。輪島キリモトが得意とする刳りと拭き漆のアートワークです。The next pictures are the wall decoration panel of Tokyo Metro Nihonbashi Station. Wajima Kirimoto's specialty is the artwork that makes use of Wajima Kirimoto's specialty of curving technique and "fuki-urushi" technique.